Professional satisfaction and its associated factors in Health-Care Organizations: A cross-sectional study of the hospital nurses in Greece Christos Gogos, Eufrosini Zioga, Kalliopi Itskara, Eudoxia Itskara Abstract Τhe goal of this particular study is to evaluate the level of the professional satisfaction of the nurses who work in a Greek, public, general hospital in northern Greece and to give a detailed account of the factors that influence it. A quantitative cross-sectional study has been applied including a self-administered questionnaire of 43 items. There have been distributed 184 questionnaires with a responsiveness percentage of 90.76% (N=167). All statistical processes have been completed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 15.0 and included frequencies, percentages, independent sample T-Test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The nurses of this specific hospi...
Ιστολόγιο σκέψεων, απόψεων, τοποθετήσεων σε θέματα Φροντίδας Υγείας (Ως εκ τούτου, αναφορές σε ζητήματα Διοίκησης Υπηρεσιών Υγείας, Κοινωνικής Υγιεινής, Αγωγής Υγείας και Εκπαίδευσης, σαφώς εμπεριέχονται). Χρήστος Γώγος, PT, MSc, PhD (c)